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Expresso Stories

I have discovered a cute little website which only publishes extremely short flash. And I mean the shortest I’ve ever read, 25 words or less, that’s why they are called Expresso stories. Cool, isn’t it? Here are the four pieces they have accepted…

Fair Warning

They told me I got rats in the attic. Told them to go screw themselves. Then the cat talked.

Virtually Incompatible

Met Jade on FB. She mentioned she loved cars. ‘Fast rides?’ I asked. ‘Yeah. You?’ ‘More of a bumper to bumper type’. She never replied.

Slight Misunderstanding

'She looks just like her father', the woman cooed. I failed to tell her how right she was. My husband also looks like her father.

The Right Perspective

He smoked, thoughtful. «‘Til death do us part» she had said. «No shit», he mumbled and resumed digging.

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